Pod Kit? Box Kit? Squonk Kit? What's The Best?
There are different types of vape devices in market for different vapers. How to choose a right one for yourself? You will find the answer at the end of this post.

Aspire AVP Kit VS SMOK Nord Kit, Recharged Pod System Kit
Aspire APV AIO Kit is the nlatest AIO kit offering from Aspire brand, SMOK Nord have become very popular here at elegomall.com, looking at the specifications for both devices.

Justfog COMPACT 14 Review | 1500mAh rechargeable battery
JUSTFOG new released starter kit, Compact 14 Kit, it features long lasting battery, more than two days on one charge.

Wismec Luxotic Surface Kit Preview | Smallest Squonk Box
Wismec released a smallest squonk box with 0.49inch OLED screen, wismec Luxotic Surface with Kestrel.

The Bottom Feed / Squonk RDA Vape Tricks 2018
What is the difference between the traditional RDA and squonk RDA/Bottom Feed RDA in taste? Elegomall here to talk some vape tricks about it. Get the cheapest Squonk RDA from Elegomall.

Mouth to Lung (MTL) VS Direct to Lung (DTL) Vaping: What's the Difference?
Most vape users often refer to the MTL and DL vaping. Newcomers often do not understand. What are the MTL and DL? What's the Difference between them? This is the most common two inhalation methods. Different inhalation methods will provide the different vape experience.

A Novices' Guide to Your First Mechanical Mod
The Mechanical Mod often bring us the excellent vapor experience. Here are some vape tips for the Mechanical beginner. Elegomall online wholesale the cheapest and safe Mechanical Device.

Usonicig Rhythm Ultrasonic Vaping Guide
The best guide to ultrasonic vaping. In order to experience the best vape. Here prepare the complete Usonicig rhythm's guide for you! But the unique Usonicig Rhythm Ultrasonic Kit from Elegomall.

The Best Vaping Tricks and Tips for Beginners
Elegomall provides the best vaping advice and trick for the vape beginner. Here are some tips and advice for you! If you follow these tips and have a little patience, you will experience the best vape.

How To Avoid Spit Back From Coils?
Hi everyone! Elegomall here to give you some vape tricks to avoid spit back problem. Let's find the tips to experience the best vape.