The Best Vaping Tricks and Tips for Beginners
Elegomall provides the best vaping advice and trick for the vape beginner. Here are some tips and advice for you! If you follow these tips and have a little patience, you will experience the best vape.
The benefits of vaping
– No smoke
– No ash
– No carbon monoxide
– No tar
– No bad breath
– Option to alter the intake of nicotine levels (including nicotine-free vaping)
– Massive choice of flavors
– Cost-effective
First of all, we have to learn about the E-liquid:
1. There are three types of e-liquids:
– High PG liquids (at least 30VG:70PG) produce less vapour but carry a lot of flavors and provide a strong throat hit
– High VG (at least 70VG:30PG) liquids are smoother and produce more vapor but don’t always carry as much flavour. High VG is best for blowing bigger clouds
– 50/50s - Other e-liquids can be mixed with an equal amount of both PG and VG or maybe 10% more of one or the other.
We recommend you try all three options and see what you respond to best.
2. Choosing The Right Nicotine Strength
① No Nicotine: This level will work for you if you just want the feel of smoking a cigarette. If you are anything more than an extremely light (a few cigarettes a week) smokers, this won’t be enough. At least not in the beginning, but we’ll get to that later.
② 6mg or 0.6%: Considered the ultra-light level, 6mg can be effective if you are used to smoking ultra-light cigarettes such as Capris or Pall Mall ultra-lights.
③ 12mg or 1.2%: Here we start to get into the area where more smokers fall into. This would be considered a light level nicotine strength for most e-cigarette brands. If you smoke a light cigarette, especially if you smoke less than a pack a day, this could fit your needs well.
④ 18mg or 1.8%: The majority of smokers will want to start with this level of liquid nicotine or higher. If you smoke a full flavored or regular cigarette and have up to a pack a day, you will want your e-cigarette liquid to contain at least 18mg of liquid nicotine.
⑤ 24mg or 2.4%: Now we’re talking! This nicotine strength level suites smokers used to “natural” cigarette brands like American Spirit or rolled tobacco. This could also be a good starting point if you smoke more than a pack a day of a full flavored cigarette.
⑥ 36mg or 3.6%… or higher: More and more e-cigarette brands are starting to offer e-cig liquid at this nicotine strength. The need is there, and brands like White Cloud e-cigs already go up to 54mg in their e-cigarette liquid. This is truly for the heavy smoker who is used to two or more packs a day and needs this much liquid nicotine to be satisfied.
3. Check your battery
E-juice residue can build up in the battery section of your e-cigarette. Regularly check the contact areas and threats for grime, and wipe away with a dry cloth. This helps keep the unit running smoothly.
4. Clean your tank
You should also regularly clean your e-juice tank. Pour out any excess liquid and rinse the tank and mouthpiece under hot water. Cleaning your tank will help prevent leaks and bad flavors. Be careful to not get water on the coil. A watery coil will normally need replacing.
5. Replace you coil
Many new vape and mod owners neglect to change their coils regularly, not realizing how much it affects the vaping experience. You’ll know it’s time to change them when you notice buildup on your coils or your vapor starts getting an unpleasant, burnt flavor.
What's your vaping tips or tricks for the vaping beginners? Let us know in the comments below!
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